Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ups and Downs of Prep Work

VBS planning comes with plenty of ups and downs! The last few days have had both!

As you all know, we are writing our VBS curriculum. The children's area is done! It is being proofread right now. I had worked several hours on getting the preschool curriculum set up in a pretty format! I want the curriculum to at least look professional when you get it!! Thankfully, I printed it out one Wednesday night to take to church and to let some people look and see if they liked the set up! However, to my dismay, I managed to not save it on the computer. I have looked everywhere for that file and it is not here! Truly, I have been saving this VBS curriculum in three different places to avoid the possibility of losing something! So...several hours of work is gone. :o( But thankfully, I did print a sample out so it should be a bit easier to get the layout done again!! Guess I know what I will be doing this weekend...all weekend!! But you know what, maybe God has something in store and when I set out to reformat and retype He will add to, take away, or reorganize so that it is more perfect than I could imagine!! At least, I'm trying to look at it that way!!

I also met with our pastor today regarding VBS. We have some new things on the horizon that I'm really excited about. We are going to focus on VBS toward the end of April. We'll have a huge focus on VBS with times to sign up to volunteer, register your child, purchase Tshirts, etc. We are going to try to do it all at one time this year! And the more I've thought about it, the more I think that this idea might be a great idea! So it will be a bit different but I'm excited to try one more new thing!!

We also solidified some things that we are doing for outreach. We are going to host a "booth" in the mall one day!! We will be putting flyers out at ballfields! We will be sending notices home the last week of school to all grade school children in a few schools. If you'd like your school to be one of those, please let Karen or one of the directors know!! We'd love to add your school to the list. We're looking into possibility of having yard signs to display in your neighborhood. We will be lining our sidewalks occasionally with yard signs and balloons to draw attention to the information! Not to mention, that my petition to close down Marsheutz for our SummerFest 2012 Outreach Event has been approved!! That calls for a huge "Hip Hip Hooray" followed by an exuberant "Thank You Jesus"!!

Please continue to join me in praying for VBS. Pray that we would reach many people! Pray that children would learn more about Jesus and that Jesus would touch hearts and lives all week. Pray that VBS would change Southside forever!! (Change in a good way that is!!) This SummerFest 2012 has the potential to bring our church family together to accomplish a huge task! It's going to take an entire church pulling together to make this happen well!! It is time to get excited!! And excitement is I pray that you all will gain the same excitement and influence those around you!!

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