Thursday, May 17, 2012

Theme Song and VBS Update

Well, we officially had our last VBS directors meeting last night.  When I told them that they we would not meet anymore I got some crazy looks.  But...we have next week and then the next week is decorating week!!

I can't believe it is almost time!  I will personally not know what to do when VBS is over.  I have poured uncountable hours into VBS this year!  We have seen Satan try to discourage us and get us side tracked.  But we have seen God at work in mighty ways as well.

For the first year in a long time, it's two weeks before VBS and we're not having to beg for leaders.  By all means, we could still use a few crew leaders!!  But compared to previous years, God has provided early and it makes our jobs so much less stressful when He chooses to bless us that way!! 

We have had the privilege of sending out over 2000 flyers in Madison County Schools.  You will find our publicity on Madison City School website for community events.  You will see our outreach event on June 2 listed on several community calendars online as well as each of the newsstations as well!  We will have an ad in the Huntsville Times this weekend so be sure to look for it!  And our Bryan Martin and Casey Sanders made the new Madison Living Magazine.  While we were getting pictures and videos a photographer was there from that magazine to get some pictures of the balloon and we see that there's a pic of our two famous leaders in there as well!  Too bad, they didn't just go ahead and put our VBS info alongside that picture.  All of that publicity on top of what our church members are doing.  Remember, if you've not picked up flyers, please do so this week.  Hang them up in businesses where you shop!  Put them on windshields everytime you go to the store!!  I can't predict what our publicity efforst will do but I'm praying that God will direct those flyers into hands that need to know how great His love is for them!  Please join me in praying for blessing over our VBS!

We still need all the help we can get for our outreach event.  If you're able to help, please let us know!!  Or...just show up around 10 am on Saturday June 2 and we will give you a job!   It's going to be a fun event to be apart of!

And Will Neely, you are awesome.  You have created a masterpiece theme song!!  I am attempting to download it here for everyone to enjoy as well as some pictures.  The pictures include our famous VBS characters...Bubbles, Flurpy, Rue, Pepper and Izzy!  There is also some clip art that I have used in our teacher's books and that will be used on crew leader sheets at times!  And then the famous balloon flight pictures where we got some video for VBS week!  Enjoy!!  (I really hope this links works.  If it doesn't work after I post it, when my sweet technology savy husband gets home tonight I'll obtain his help in reposting this song!!)


  1. I guess I know what I'm doing tonight.

    1. Yes, yes you do! I can see it on my computer. Hmmm...sure am glad I have a wonderful husband.
